Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Working on a book

Dear Friends,

I’m delighted you have all enjoyed and hopefully learned something from my week-old blog. Creating it has been most therapeutic and has encouraged me to pursue another career in writing, in addition to performing and teaching. I am busy working on a book which is going to be quite time-consuming and probably will diminish my blog output for the time being.

I come from a long line of professional writers and journalists, so following this path seems quite natural to me. Although English is my third language, writing in it has come naturally to me. Some of my expressions may sound foreign to a Yankee and occasionally misunderstood, but all in all I’m able to communicate my messages clearly. If Isaac Bashevis Singer could master this tongue, originally not his own, so can I.

Readers, the outpouring of support from you has been a tremendous source of strength to me. It is heartwarming to know there is goodness and compassion in this world, not just backstabbing, ill will and greed.